We Wellness – Sweet Livity takes stress relief mobile

We Wellness – Sweet Livity takes stress relief mobile

We Wellness Miami and beyond…

Imagine…you feel stressed out most or all of the time, either at home or at work. You wish there was a community place for you to go and relieve your stress naturally and easily. Enter We Wellness Miami or We Wellness (YOUR CITY name)!

We Wellness is an idea that emerged from the feedback of people who took the Sweet Livity Stress & Wellness survey this past March.

In a recent stress and wellness survey, people shared they are stressed most or all of time: 47% at home and 68% at work. Only 44% said they practiced stress reduction activities like mindfulness or meditation, which put them in a relaxed state of mind. 71% have no health insurance to cover holistic wellness services. People are really stressed out and are asking for ways to relieve their stress in safe community locations.

Our first public offering of We Wellness will be in Miami. The idea in Miami and other cities is to bring mobile stress relief services directly to pubic spaces. Imagine your local park, favorite community center, church, quiet place on a mountain, or a spot on the beach transformed into a healing space. People coming together to relieve stress in fun ways, e.g., Soul Chi, Chakra Dance and Eating, Gentle Yoga, Nap Time, Walking & Sitting Meditation, Sound Toning and more. We will learn along the way — with each offering of We Wellness, feedback from people will guide any design changes we make to ensure the program is support their optimal well-being.

We Wellness Miami is a low cost, fun, affordable and convenient way for people to relieve their stress naturally and easily in safe public spaces.

To learn more about how to bring We Wellness to your city or town, Contact Us.

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